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· 3 min read
Duncan White

Cryptocurrencies are a new type of money which are sure to revolutionise the world for the better. Using maths or cryptography, allows participants to independently verify the integrity of the system. Any one that desires sound money can purchase or trade in a crypto such as Bitcoin, without fear of a bad actor hijacking and reducing purchasing power via money production manipulation (perhaps by the Marfia or historically by governnments). Bitcoin has similarities to old gold standards before fiat currencies. But more than gold, Bitcoin is much more portable and frictionless transacting over the Internet (or in person), making it a great medium of exchange.

· 20 min read
Duncan White
Video available

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How do we reconcile politics with the Kingdom of God? After all scripture is full of descriptions of laws, kings, nations and wars. This a rapid-fire post to dispel common misunderstandings regarding liberty, written from a Christian perspective. Hopefully I can convince you of what I think is the most moral and consistently biblical position to have.

· One min read
Duncan White

During the 2019 Corona (COVID-19) pandemic many people looked to governments to enforce strict isolation rules. Rules and enforcement are certainly not bad in and of themselves but we should realise that everything the state does is via the threat of violence. A “free market” approach seen below, simply means the rules (however strict) are governed by private property owners. This is much more peaceful, efficient, effective and moral.

· 15 min read
Duncan White
Video available

This page is now available as a video here:

Technology is often promoted as though it will make life better and easier. As an IT professional, many of my colleagues speak highly of great cost savings that computer solutions bring. This seems to be true on a small scale, but if you are like me, you wonder if modern life, full of the high-tech marvels, is as labour-free as promised. To me, it seems the more we innovate, the busier we become. This seems counter-intuitive. Technology does bring a sense of accomplishment and potentially reduces waste. But it seems to also seems to bring sad circumstances, like loss of jobs to automation (e.g. supermarket self-checkout) and contemporary consumerism with associated environmental impact.